I went out to a dark part of Bonaire Friday evening to get a better picture of the beehive cluster with Saturn and Mars. I'll probably do my next beehive post soon. We got clouded out last nigh, when Saturn and Mars were closest together. arrrrrrg!
I also shot a few images of the Southern Cross on Friday. The one posted here is a combination of three exposures at ranging from 1'49" to 2'49", with a 100mm lens at f2.8 and ISO 400. I know I've seen darker, clearer nights here on Bonaire, and I'm still learning about the camera, so I'll revisit the Southern Cross when I get chance.
I'm also eagerly anticipating seeing what sort of images I can get of the summer milky way through Scorpius, Sagitarius, and Scutum in a month or two.
Click on the picture to see a larger but hopefully not too large version
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