Sunday, January 31, 2010

Indoor Pool

Most people don't realize it, but we have two indoor pools here at TWR on Bonaire. We never swim in them though. It might have something to do with the fact that the water temperature is often below fifty degrees Fahrenheit.The tank, oops - pool, at the transmitter site is not longer used, but the approximately 7000 gallon one at the studios, pictured above, is still key part of our chilled water air-conditing system. This buffer tank, oops again - pool, evens out the load on the air-conditioning compressors. They cool down the water in the tank at night and then they don't have to work so hard in the daytime; when the building is in use, and the electricity costs more.
The tank had developed a leak, so we contracted with one of the pool companies (yes, there is more than one) here on Bonaire, to put in a new liner. Here is the new liner with just a teeny tiny bit of water in it. Check out those cool graphics. Makes you want to dive right in doesn't it.

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