Monday, February 09, 2015

More to see in the Bonaire Sky Park

There's lots going on in the Bonaire Sky Park right now.  (I think George DeSalvo coined that term.  I like it.)

Anyway, if you head outside after sunset each evening and look to the West, you can watch Venus and Mars getting closer and closer together.  They'll be closest on February 21.  BUT, the real show will be on February 20, when Venus, Mars and a teeny tiny crescent Moon will be clustered together.  I hope we have clear skies that evening, because I really want to see that.

Also, now that the moon is rising later each night, we can get some good views of comet Lovejoy again.  It seems to be dimming more slowly than predicted, which is good.  But you'll probably need binoculars to spot it.  You can find a detailed finder chart online at Sky and Telescope.  There is a link on that page to a printable black and white chart that you can take outside with you.

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