Thursday, January 30, 2014

TWR VIPs Visit Bonaire

We recently had some distinguished visitors here at TWR Bonaire.  The president of TWR International, Lauren Libby, and the TWR director for the Americas region, Tim Klingbeil, were here from the North American office.  They were joined by the Eps and the Rempels, from our TWR partner organization in Brazil.  Klaus Rempel also serves on the TWR international board of directors.
Here we see Bonaire station director, Joe Barker, explaining the automation room to the Eps (foreground) and the Rempels (background.)

In this shot, Bonaire missionary, Dave Pedersen (on the left) talks with the Rempels, while in the background, Sandra Swanson and Laura Neal share a light moment with Tim Klingbeil.

I've made a zillion versions of this picture, trying to balance the sun and the people.  But different monitors will probably display it differently anyway.  This sunset was pretty dramatic and there was almost a green flash.  heh-heh

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