Brad Swanson reports on the happenings in and around Trans World Radio's station on the island of Bonaire. TWR Bonaire broadcasts Gospel music and Bible teaching programs which can be heard in Latin America and the Caribbean: in the Spanish, English, Portuguese, Baniwa, and Macuxi languages. You can click on the pictures to make them bigger.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Rover's Revenge
We just sold our green Maruti Suzuki, known alternately as the Green Bean, the Frog, and the Dogmobile, to make room for the buggy. See the buggy post below.
Last night, one or more of the dogs (they aren't saying who it was) let us know what they think about this, by leaving us a little surprise that I discovered this morning.
You can test your understanding of "dog speak" by studying this picture.
I hope that hose isn't important :)
The dogs get blamed for EVERYTHING!! :-) But I'm more concerend that you have converstations with them!
Jonathan G.
I think the neighbourhood rats did it...and left the pieces on the dogs' cushions so that it would look like they did it!
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