Marli Spieker, the founder of Project Hanna, a multifaceted ministry to women, visited the DR this year. She and her team spent some time with a ministry in one of the poorest sections of Santo Domingo. The pastor, pictured here with his family and with Marli, left his job at a bank, to live and minister full time to women and kids who were pretty much without hope.

One goal is to help the children, especially the girls, have a chance for a better life than the one their mom's are trapped in.

Marli and her team members also participated in a retreat that was attended by about 300 middle class ladies. (and many of their children)

Here we see, Georgina, the director of RTM in the Dominican Republic, along with two Project Hanna volunteers from the States. The women at the retreat really enjoyed talking with Georgina in person, after having heard her on the radio for years.

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