We've had little or no wind here on Bonaire since last Friday. The fitful breezes that we've had lately have been from the west. Yesterday, a big smog cloud from the refineries in Curacao arrived over Bonaire. Yuck!
We've had quite a bit of rain and some thunder too. The Bonairian micro mud frogs are croaking up a storm each evening and the stink bugs have been hanging around our lights at night too.
The silver lining to all of this is that I was able to ride home from Rincon much faster than usual this morning. There is usually a nasty head wind when I'm riding back from Rincon, but today there was a slight tailwind when I first exited Rincon, and later the hills in the middle of Bonaire blocked the fitful breezes quite nicely. I was riding at 2o+ mph for much of the way back, which is good for me. It felt great to be flying on roads that I am usually fighting the wind on.
Speaking of dog days, Sandra informs me that the puppy is 9 months old today. He celebrated by chewing up my solar panel/car battery charger unit. grrrrrr...
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