Sunday, April 22, 2012

Star Trails

Here are a couple star trail photos.  The first one is using some of the images that made up the time lapse video I posted recently.  The second photo uses some of the images that make up the time lapse video I'll post in a few minutes.  I could only use a small fraction of the images I shot because most of them had clouds in them, which really messed up the resulting picture.
In the image above, we are looking towards the south west over the Radio Nederlands radio station.  You can still identify the southern cross in the lower left corner.  The south pole is below the horizon, here on Bonaire, but you can get a feel for where it is from the way the star trails curve around it.
This one is looking towards the north from the 1000 steps area.  The north star is just above the horizon a little to the right of the middle.

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