Thursday, March 01, 2007

Saturday March 3 Lunar Eclipse

When the moon rises in the East this Saturday, here on Bonaire, it will be almost totally eclipsed. I hope it is clear that night because this could be interesting to see.

Here are the specifics about the eclipse for those on Bonaire. I got these localized predictions from You can go there and plug in your location and get and get all sorts of personalized information about the sun, moon, planets, satellites, meteors etc.

18h37m35s Partial Lunar Eclipse at moonrise
18h43m46s Totality begins
19h20m52s Greatest eclipse: Total Eclipse Duration total phase=74.2 minutes
19h57m58s Totality ends
21h11m42s Partial lunar eclipse ends
(18h is the same as 6pm, 19h is 7 pm and 21h is 9pm)

If you live to the East of Bonaire, you can see more of this eclipse than we can. If you live to our west, you'll probably only be able to see the second half of it.

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