See my blog from Nov. 1. You can click the link and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
But we had a really long rainy season this past year and I got tired of hoeing the weeds. Pushing a mower is a LOT easier, so we bought a used mower the other day.
I had to try it out on what is left of the weeds in our back yard.
The mower buzzed the weeds down nicely, but raised a huge cloud of dust as well.

Sandra snapped a picture. It was getting dark and the flash lit up the dust particles, but didn't reach me. Kind of like driving in a snowstorm...... really. :)
Here is the original picture. You can probably download it and have a go at it with your favorite photo editor. It would be good practice, in case you ever take a one of a kind, but really dark, picture.

You can click on the pictures to see them bigger, heh-heh.
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