Three of us walked around our potential
new mtn. bike race loop yesterday afternoon. I carried some giant clippers and chopped back the occasional evil thorn branch that was reaching out to grab at us. I didn't check the time exactly, but I'd estimate that it took us about 2hrs and 15 minutes to hike around the loop. We made many short stops for chopping branches, taking pictures, and simply reveling in the beauty of this lesser known part of Bonaire. You can see exactly where we walked if you follow the mapmyrun link in my previous post about the new race loop.

Pictured here are my hiking buddies, Christian and Katrin, who are here from Switzerland, on their honeymoon.

We remember Katrin from when she was a kid, growing up here on Bonaire with TWR team members Hanspeter and Vreni Wirth, and brothers Matthias and Lukas.
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