There were lots of people at the big meetings held Wednesday through Saturday nights and on Sunday morning. As always, you can click on these pictures to see them bigger.

These young guys are VERY talented musicians, and they switched between instruments with ease. TWR's Jon Savage sat in with them on bass for the Sunday meeting.

In the foreground we can see some of the pastors from the ABC islands. Pastor Zeifinger from Aruba, on the left in the light shirt and dark tie was the pastor in North Salina when I first came to Bonaire. At the right edge of the picture, with the dark skirt and pink blouse is Esther, widow of Clavis White.

The singers did a great job too. Miguel Martis, on the left, was the coordinator and MC for the meetings. His wife is in the middle with the pink dress. Gregory Van Arnamon, from Rincon, is on the right. I don't know who the three girls are, but if I were my son's age, I'd want to find out, heh-heh.

Ah yes, the sound guys. You can't have great meetings without good sound guys. These two young men were with the Curacao contingent and did a wonderful job all week.

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