Here is a look at the opening day, get acquainted, party. Looks like mostly Dutch kids, which figures, I guess, since the school is taught in Dutch, and the other schools are moving to Papiamentu in the lower grades. By the way, the guy leaning against the wall at the top right of the picture owns a bike shop here on Bonaire. He is also an international water polo referee.

We put a kitchen in what used to be Scott or Joe's office, I think.

Ivan is putting the finishing touches on the boys bathroom, in what used to be my office.

We put in a back door at the end of the hall to server as an emergency exit and for easy access to a play area that the school may build back there.

Here is a shot from yesteryear when the open office area was being added to the office wing. I have more pictures from the archives on our club photo site. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the open office construction photos.

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