Colin and Lorna Buckland, from
Claybury International, are conducting a seminar each morning this week. We're using the master studio as a giant conference room.

We had lunch at Gibi's Place on Tuesday. Yum and Yum!

We are also fortunate to have Lauren and June Libby with us for a few days. Lauren, pictured below in the blue shirt, is the President and CEO of TWR international.
You can follow Lauren's adventures on his Twitter page.

Did I mention that the lunch at Gibi's was amazing. We had coleslaw and potato salad that was flavored just the way Sandra and I like it. The rice had character, and then there was meat, meat, and more meat. Lauren quipped that it was just the thing for someone on one of those protein diets! We had Bonaire style beef stew, chicken pieces, breaded fried fish, and ribs. I hardly ate anything at all that evening, even though I went on a killer bike ride after work.
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