Monday, March 26, 2012

Washington Park

They are fixing up the roads in Washington Park.  The roads are still pretty bumpy, but they are actually much improved.  Well, at least from the entrance as far as Slag Bai.  The road back out of the park is still full of ruts from the rainy season.
The cows were chowing down, not as close to the road as the last time I rode by.  A cute calf has been added to their number.  It was right in the road a few weeks ago.  I was worried that its mother would take exception to me as I rode by.  I saw a few teeny tiny baby goats this week too.
There were still a few Pelicans hanging out by Bisé Morto.  They've been there since mid Feb.
Slag Bai was looking nice.  You can see the road grader that's been cleaning up the roads at the left edge of the shot.

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