For example, this guy listened to TWR programs from Bonaire as a kid. He later went to Bible school and is now an itinerant pastor/evangelist traveling up and down the rivers on his boat, the Lion of Judah. The area is so vast that he can only visit any given village a couple times a year, but he encourages the people to listen to the TWR Bible teaching programs in the mean time.
He uses the river as his highway and the boat is sort of like a floating motor home.

There is an extreme drought in northern Brazil this year, probably the worst one in recorded history. It is epic enough that I even saw it mentioned in the Denver Post when I was out visiting my brother. Here are a couple pictures from an email I received from Dan Canfield.

Besides being a serious health problem, the drought has crippled the transportation and the economy in the vast Amazon Basin.

And of course, the drought makes it extremely difficult for Christian workers to meet the spiritual needs of people in the region.
Here is what long time radio speaker, Dan Canfield, had to say about the drought, and the power of radio.
And we can say that the Living Water, transmitted by radio is not hampered by low water levels. Radio waves fly over sand dunes, dry river bottoms and burned out jungles. Â
I usually cannot pick up your program on my regular radio/cassette player, but now that my good radio is getting fixed, I am able to tune into your station on this one in spite of it being old. Everyone is amazed. We live far from town and cannot attend church, so your programs are our only spiritual food. Brother Daniel, may you continue to send out the message of the Word of God. We need your ministry. Even though we have not met, your voice is known wherever we go. Could you send us your Bible correspondence course?Â
Can you believe that people in those lost areas are listening to the programs? Then when you actually see them you understand the truth.
Several pastors have written to say that after spending weeks of travel to get to those outlying areas, the radio was there every day so they could return to their towns and churches rejoicing in the follow-up. In these days of Amazon drought, people are depending even more on the radio message.
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