Here is one taken from where the snack shop at Karpata used to be.
Brad Swanson reports on the happenings in and around Trans World Radio's station on the island of Bonaire. TWR Bonaire broadcasts Gospel music and Bible teaching programs which can be heard in Latin America and the Caribbean: in the Spanish, English, Portuguese, Baniwa, and Macuxi languages.
You can click on the pictures to make them bigger.
Here is one taken from where the snack shop at Karpata used to be.
and Mars were close together tonight, about the one Moon diameter
apart. Mars was pretty impossible to see with the naked eye, but easy
in binoculars. Here is a picture of the moon and of Mars and Venus.
Both pix are full frame and the same scale. They are pretty dark, but
if i make them any brighter, Mars loses its color and the craters on the
moon disappear. Looks like you'll need to view them full size in order to see Mars.
I zoomed out to the TWR antenna field to get the Southern Cross behind the towers. I tried a few different things but what worked best was to have the stars a teeny tiny bit out of focus, which made the bright ones easier to see on a small image.
The circles on the image below show, from left to right, Alpha and Beta Centaurus, the Omega cluster, and the Southern Cross.