Saturday, January 30, 2021

Jan 28 Sunset - Moonrise

 The Moon was full at 3:16 on Thursday afternoon, here on Bonaire. So Thursday evening was perfect for a Sunset/Moonrise excursion. The Sun set at 6:33 and the Moon rose at 6:39. There were some low clouds in the East so we didn't see the Moon rise up off of the horizon, but it was fun to watch none the less. Here are a few pictures. Click on them to see the whole images.



Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Wednesday Night Uranus update

 The sky is quite clear here on Bonaire tonight (Wed.) and the mud frogs are singing again after last night's rain.

When one is facing to the West, Mars is easy to spot to the upper right of the moon. Uranus is easy to spot (in binoculars) to the left of Mars. I'd say that Uranus is about a third as far away from Mars as the Moon is, more or less. There is a star to the lower right of Mars, that's not Uranus. Uranus has a distinctive pale robin egg blue coloration.

I'm not going to try taking a picture because the moon glare will drown out the planets, especially Uranus. (probably more because I'm feeling lazy)

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Moon, Mars, and Uranus on the 20th

 The Moon will be quite near Mars Wednesday night. Makes it easy to find Mars in the sky. Mars will be to the Northeast of the Moon. As a special treat, Uranus will be to the Southeast of Mars. I'd say that the distance between Mars and Uranus will be about 1/5 the distance between Mars and the Moon.

We've seen Uranus with the naked eye in the past, but you'll need binoculars to spot it with the Moon nearby. On Thursday night, the Moon will have moved away, and Uranus will be more or less due South of Mars, at least as seen here on Bonaire.